Monday, 3 September 2012

Kamus Bahasa Sabah

nahhh..kamus bahasa sabah...kalo ada silap atau inda ngam, kamurang kasi ngam jak kii..kalo ada mo tambah dari kamurang jak...haha 

1. tuuuna/ saaaana - points with the lips - (there-- at a distance)(the longer the 'tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuna / saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana' the further the place is.)
2. limpas (to pass/walk by - Maaf, saya> limpas dulu? Excuse me, can I passby?
3. palui (stupid, buduh! )
4. tapuk (to hide )
5. bida (ugly)
6. bubut (as in proper malay- "kejar", to chase)
7. sakai (ignorant, uncivilized, "hoosier")
8. andang-andang (that's how it is)
9. sapak (kasi campur/gaul --utk masakan-to mix as in cooking)
10. inda/tia (short form of "tidak" - not, no)
11. wicin (another brand of msg as in "aji-no- moto" - a seasoning or food enhancer)
12. talampau (proper malay - "terlampau"- too much)
13. takajut (proper malay - "terkejut" - shocked, startled)
14. siurang (proper malay -"kami"/ "saya-orang" - us, we)
15. ngam-ngam (proper malay "kebetulan" - exact, at that time)
16. mangkali (proper malay "barangkali" - maybe, perhaps)
17. kamarin (proper malay "kelmarin" - yesterday)
18. kanapa (proper malay "kenapa" - why)
19. gia (___expression - "is it?")
20. bah (___expression - "ok!")
21. ah? (question, "Apa?" What?)
22. kici/kicil (proper malay "kecil" - small)
23. basar (proper malay "besar" - big, huge)
24. siok (___expression/description, proper malay "seronok" - enjoyable, great, etc-)
25. urang ("orang" - people; sometimes used "diurang" - them, they)
26. karing ("kering" - dry)
27. umban ("humban, lempar" - throw)
28. kana ("kena"- got ie--"kana umban" --got thrown)
29. padih ("pedih" - as in "Mata saya padih/pedih!" - My eyes stings, painful)
30. numbur ("nombor" - number)
31. gali ("geli" as in squeemish about something)
32. durang ("dia orang/diurang" - them, they - Durang pigi tamu. They went to the market.)
33. panat ("penat" - tired)
34. katawa ("ketawa" - laugh, laughing)
35. lanjang (a.k.a. "periuk /belanga " - pots/pans)
36. putung ("potong" - cut, slice)
37. Budu ("bodoh" - stupid)
38. bungu ("stupid" - same as above )
39. kabaruan ("kebaru-baruan"- new to something)
40. giuk (proper malay "ulat"- worm)
41. Cikui (Tembikai - watermelon)
42. Santut (Underwear)
43. Salana (Seluar)
44. gipit (to grip...)
45. kanapatan/kadapatan (caught red handed.. or Kedapatan)
46. kebangkalan (choked while eating..proper malay = 'tersedak')
47. ketulahan (bad karma)
48. bahai (plastic bag)
49. uinnaaa! (used to express various feelings, mostly when surprised..)
50. ging (derived from the word gang.. means kawan/member)
51. Tontolou = Penis
52. Pantat = Butt<---tp di semenanjung,lain tuh kan? eee... ya ba pula.. Di sabah .. belakang ..tapi di semenanjung di dapan pulak.. silap..LOL
53. Cula = Coke or
54 Torrrrrbaik = The
55. Bikin panas = feeling angry...HHAH - HOt kununlah..True to my roots.. I have one to contribute
56. Tombirang = Don't lie.. (eg. Jangan kau tembirang)
57. Sabak ---- means baru ko tau... in english = I TOLD U...
58. Kotoh ---- Means as same like Sabak...
59. Lakas = Lekas/Cepat (Faster)
60. Bobot = Vagina
61. Balabak = Scrotum
62. Kalatiak = Ketiak (Armpit)
63. Duiiii dogo! = My goodness!! / Oh my!!
64. Seluar Katak - underwear
65. siring siring - side / on the side
66. taapun - a phrase used when unable to get the things desired
67. palis palis - touch wood
68 tachut - our version of touch wood
69. gustan - reverse
70. gohet - forward
71. ayuk - swinging movement of the arm in the marble game. can also mean to masturbate
72. taiih - shit / feaces / or just a curse word
73. kogutan/koguts - hangover
74. Sepuluh Tiga (10-3) - RM10 for three cans of beer (well in those days lah)
75. muhau - crazy
76. takana - hit (BM is terkena)
77. tekuis - playoff (kee L bilang playot) 
78. kapayas / tapayas - papaya
79. KK - kota kinabalu
80 (sia) bilang - said
81. skijap - soon / in a short while / later
82. tinguk - (tengok) to look
83. hari satu - monday
84. hari dua - tuesday
85. hari tiga - wednesday
86. hari ampat - thursday
87. hari lima - friday
88. hari anam – Saturday
89. hari minggu – Sunday
90. SOT - crazy
91. karan - electricity
92. butul - in BM 'betul'

Siuk bah bahasa sabah!!


  1. best lah! sesuai untuk i buat novel.

  2. Replies
    1. Mengendap atau mengintip iaitu memerhati dari kaw luar ke kaw dalam atau sebaliknya. Perlakuan ini adalah tidak sopan atau santun dalam budaya orang Sabah

  3. Baru sya tau ohh da suda tu kamus bahasa sabah(☆^O^☆)

  4. Hi.. sa mo tanya ba ini.. puas suda sa cari ni tp nda kejumpaan.. apa bah binatanya nya ni 'anggipal' dan 'rampagas'?? Apa namanya dlm kamus dewan?? Plisss huhu

  5. San ko lawak na ni pangandaan
    Masi ko luu ni
    Jom dakan ngabut sampai
    Sumilan aud nko

    Ape maksudnye yer?

  6. San ko lawak na ni pangandaan
    Masi ko luu ni
    Jom dakan ngabut sampai
    Sumilan aud nko

    Ape maksudnye yer?

  7. Maksud pungkad and dangai ape ye???

  8. Bida tu bukan mengada ngada kaa?? Jelek tu hodohh??

  9. Nakuro tu.. isai boh ngia rannu...maksud nye ape..yew

  10. Osorezu koto ni Mayou habatakeru Kodou ga yume wo Mada namiutsu Kurayami akiramenaide kodoku ni mo tachimukau mo Kimi to deaeta yorokobi ni ikou tsutae Kanarazu wo

  11. Apa maksud Kitai??
    Kalau bahasa Iban, Kitai is KITA.

    1. Kalau d Sabah , kitai tu macam carutan la gituu

  12. apa maksud pukima

  13. apa maksud andeh kotoh

  14. Apa maksud "gurangak punya org"

  15. ap Bahasa Sabah (istimewa buat kamu dari hati saya

  16. Apa maksud..grigitan..awu..teda..

  17. Apa maksud..grigitan..awu..teda..

  18. Nk tukar kan bahasa Sabah "Nasib gambar aku cantik disitu".

    1. Nasib juga gambar sia lawa/santik sna/situ

  19. Apa kunu maksud tigas ,pasblak ,

  20. Salah kau kk tu kedai keling ������

  21. Dalam bahasa sabah ada perkataan 'nyambulak' ka??Kalau ada saya mau tau bh 😅

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  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  26. apa maksud gurangak
